Readiness Checklist
Are your learners and clients ready for the LearningHUB?
Learner has reliable access to computer and internet. |
Learner can use a computer on their own, or will have help. |
Learner has shown interest in online learning. |
Learner has a personal email account and can send and reply to emails. |
Learner has a goal that is suitable for LBS programming. |
Learner is committed to working online each week. |
Learner will ask for help and communicate with their Online Practitioner. |
Learner can manage the commitment of working with two programs (where applicable). |
Learner has the necessary reading and writing skills to complete our lessons. Not sure if our curriculum is suitable? Request trial access using the Contact Us page. |
If English is not their first language, learner has a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark Level 6 in reading and writing. |